Welcome to
AMBOSS Campus!
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina
Study Medicine Smarter with AMBOSS!
You have free access to AMBOSS Standard!
- Enjoy unlimited access to the AMBOSS Library.
- Explore 20,000+ preclinical and clinical topics.
- Work on 50 clinical cases each month.
- Boost your exam preparation with the AMBOSS-ANKI add-on.
- You have received in your institutional email (“@campus.ul.pt”) an individual code which will provide you free access to AMBOSS!
- Log in to your AMBOSS account. If you don’t have an account yet, you can register here. We recommend that you register with your institutional email.
- Follow this link to redeem the code and unlock your free access. Alternatively, you can click on the “Account” icon on the left-hand side of your dashboard. Then click “Redeem a Code”
- You’ll then have access to AMBOSS Standard – Unlimited access to the AMBOSS Library and 50 Questions per month from the AMBOSS QBank!

Succeed in your medical studies and exams!
What does this Campus License mean?
With this Campus License preclinical students have unlimited access to our Library. Clinical students additionally have unlimited access to our Question Bank.
Why was my account created for me?
This Campus License was done in cooperation with your university, and we wanted to ensure that all students would have immediate access to AMBOSS.
How can I start using AMBOSS?
All you need to do is follow the instructions above. You’ll need to open the email sent to your university email inbox to start the activation process.
What if I already have an AMBOSS account?
You can still use your old account. If you’d prefer to have your Campus License access transferred to your old account, let us know here.
I can't find my login details?
Try searching in the spam folder of your university email account, or use “AMBOSS” as a keyword in your email search bar.
If all else fails, please reach out to us and we’ll send you your login details.
Who is AMBOSS made for?
AMBOSS is a learning system designed for your whole medical career. Medical students, residents and physicians can use the library as an easily navigable reference tool for their clinical work and prep for exams with an integrated clinical case-based question bank.
Who writes the medical content in AMBOSS?
AMBOSS content is written by a team of over 70 international physicians. The editorial team ensures that each article meets our highest standards of quality with respect to content, structure and style. Entries are reviewed by at least three medical professionals and one copy editor before being published.
I have another question that isn’t here?
Please search our Customer Service desk if you have any unanswered questions.
Happy to help