
Male hypogonadism

Last updated: March 19, 2025

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Male hypogonadism is a condition caused by reduced function of the testes, leading to decreased production of testosterone. It is classified as primary male hypogonadism or secondary male hypogonadism based on the underlying cause. Primary male hypogonadism is characterized by elevated gonadotropin (LH and FSH) levels and caused by disorders or abnormalities affecting the testes, including damage to the testes (e.g., due to orchitis, radiation, trauma, or torsion) and congenital conditions (e.g., Klinefelter syndrome). Secondary male hypogonadism is characterized by gonadotropin deficiency and caused by disorders of the hypothalamus and/or pituitary gland (e.g., tumors, infiltrative diseases, head trauma, congenital conditions such as Kallmann syndrome). Clinical features may include decreased bone and muscle mass and gynecomastia. Certain features depend on the time of onset (i.e., prepubertal or postpubertal): Prepubertal manifestations include microphallus and eunuchoidal proportions, and postpubertal manifestations include loss of morning erections, low energy, and hot flashes. Low fasting morning total testosterone levels on two separate occasions confirms the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is established, additional laboratory and/or imaging studies should be obtained to determine the etiology. Functional male hypogonadism is managed with lifestyle modifications and/or treatment of the underlying condition. Testosterone therapy is indicated for patients with low testosterone levels due to testicular disorders (e.g., genetic causes), pituitary gland disorders (e.g., tumors), and brain disorders. Use of testosterone for age-related testosterone decline is off-label. There are multiple testosterone formulations; the formulation used depends on drug availability, cost, and patient preference. Patients taking testosterone therapy require regular monitoring to assess for complications and response to treatment.

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Definitionstoggle arrow icon

Acquired causes of primary (hypergonadotropic) and secondary (hypogonadotropic) hypogonadism are further classified as organic vs. functional. See “Etiology of male hypogonadism” for examples.

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Etiologytoggle arrow icon

Primary male hypogonadism [1][2][3]



Secondary male hypogonadism [1][3]



Mixed male hypogonadism [1][2]

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Clinical featurestoggle arrow icon

The clinical presentation of hypogonadism is complex and influenced by various factors, including age and underlying health conditions.

Prepubertal onset [1][3]

The following features are unique to prepubertal onset.

Onset-independent [1]

Features listed here are suggestive of postpubertal onset male hypogonadism but may also manifest in individuals with prepubertal onset.

Non-specific features [1]

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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Approach [1]

Screening asymptomatic individuals for low testosterone levels is not recommended. [1]

Laboratory studies [1][5][6]

Initial studies

Additional studies

Obtain the following studies as clinically indicated after confirming hypogonadism.

Imaging [1][5]

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Managementtoggle arrow icon

General principles [1]

Functional male hypogonadism is not an approved indication for testosterone therapy.

Testosterone therapy [1][5]


The formulation used depends on patient preference, drug availability, and cost.

IM administration of testosterone causes more fluctuations in mood and libido than topical formulas. [5]

Contact with topical testosterone can cause virilization in women and children.

Contraindications [1][5]

Individuals with male hypogonadism who are at increased risk of prostate cancer should weigh the risks and benefits of testosterone therapy using shared decision-making with their physician.

Monitoring during treatment [1][5]

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Complicationstoggle arrow icon

Chronic complications [8]

Complications of testosterone therapy [1][5]

We list the most important complications. The selection is not exhaustive.

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