Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM Philadelphia)
Follow these instructions to unlock your access and activate your single sign-on to the world's leading medical study and reference platform.
You don't have an account yet
Create an AMBOSS account by using the option "Log in through your institution". After successful registration, your university's campus license is automatically stored in your account. You can then view this in AMBOSS under “Contact details & settings”.
You already have an AMBOSS account
Now all you have to do is link your university to your AMBOSS profile. Go to "Contact details & settings" and enter your university email address in the "Institution sign-in" section. We will then forward you to your university's single sign-on process.
If you need help setting up your account or getting access to AMBOSS, please contact AMBOSS Customer Support.
Over 5800 case based questions for all clinical and preclinical subjects
Extensive medical library with over 1200 articles
Performance-based learning suggestions and peer-group comparisons
AMBOSS offers all the resources you need to succeed in your studies on a single platform. Our smart features ensure that you study smarter, not just harder.
Powerful self-analysis tools will identify your knowledge gaps and suggest materials to help you fill them.
Our comprehensive and regularly updated library covers all preclinical and clinical subjects. Enhance your learning with a wide range of features including virtual microscopy, annotated images and anatomical image quizzes.
Explore more than 5800 clinical scenarios with our case-based question bank. Annotated answer options ensure that you're not just memorizing facts for school but internalizing concepts for clinical practice.
AMBOSS is the only platform that has you covered throughout your medical career, from medical school to clinical practice. All of our content is edited by a team of medical writers consisting of over 150 physicians and language professionals. Everything we publish undergoes a meticulous review process to ensure that our content is always clear, concise, and up-to-date.
The AMBOSS Qbank and Library help you prepare for every aspect of your USMLE Step exams. The questions are regularly updated to meet USMLE requirements and emulate NBME-style to give you the most realistic exam experience possible. The annotated answer options provide in-depth context and link out to relevant sections in the library for further reading. You can customize your Qbank sessions according to Step exam, topic, and medical discipline.
Go to the USMLE page to learn more.
AMBOSS offers so much more Step 1 study materials than just a Qbank. Explore the fully integrated Knowledge Library to read up on everything from basic sciences to specialist topics, and create study plans that identify and help you close your knowledge gaps.
Go to the USMLE Step 1 exam page to learn more.
AMBOSS provides all the materials you need for your Step 2 CK study plan. You’re well-equipped to succeed with over 5800 questions designed especially for Step 2CK and dedicated articles on neurology, surgery, internal medicine, and much more.
Go to the USMLE Step 2CK exam page to learn more.
AMBOSS is the only resource that serves as both a clinical companion and a study resource to help you succeed in your NBME Subject Examinations. The knowledge library features more than 1200 articles designed for in-depth exam study as well as point-of-care reference when you’re with patients. The Qbank is a robust study resource with over 5800 challenging questions for all 9 shelf exams to ensure you are fully prepared for your big day.
Go to the NBME® Shelf exam page to learn more.