Submit your real & practice exam scores so we can predict your USMLE® or COMLEX® results, including the passing probability of your upcoming exam.
Here's what your peers say
To share your practice exam scores and receive a predicted score, you need to have an active AMBOSS membership. However, anyone with an AMBOSS account, even those without an active membership, can share their final result once they have received their official USMLE exam score. If you want to create an account, you can do so here. It's free and only takes a minute.
Once you submit your practice exam scores, the results will be saved to your AMBOSS account, so you can come back and add new practice exam results to get an updated prediction. At least one of your supported practice exams or inputs should be within four weeks of your main exam date for accurate predictions. In addition to your predicted score, you will also receive a score range and passing probability for your upcoming exam.
Our software offers the best accuracy in predicting scores when benchmarked against other popular score predictors. In addition to a score, we provide a predicted score range. Students' real USMLE scores will fall within this predicted range 95% of the time.