Learn to excel at your clinical tasks AND secure outstanding clinical evaluations. The AMBOSS apps elevate you from student to clinician, and contain everything you need to ace clerkships and sub-internships.
Flawlessly prep & present cases and give resident-level answers on rounds. A simple search on the app instantly gives you the clinician-level info it takes to impress every attending.
Make downtime count! The Qbank app, dedicated Shelf study plans, and mobile-supported Anki integration let you use every free minute to continue getting Shelf and Step 2 ready. And it’s proven to deliver results.
Learn to provide clinical care with tool and references that actual residents and attendings use. Toggle on Clinician mode for guideline-based flowcharts, management checklists, drug dosing info, and more.
Others who loved what AMBOSS did for their clerkship grades:
AMBOSS Knowledge
Exam prep on-the-go
Go into your clerkships already knowing what it is you need to do. With this tutorial, you’ll get insights into the usual day-to-day workflow, team dynamics, and metrics for success.
Forming differential diagnoses and narrowing them down doesn’t have to be daunting. Get to physical findings and chief complaints, paired with physical causes and clinically-relevant insights, right in the AMBOSS Library.
From medical standards to specific patient scenarios, there are lots of factors to consider when developing a treatment plan. Here’s how AMBOSS can lead you through the therapeutic options you need.
Make the most of any spare time on the wards and prepare for your Shelf exams with the AMBOSS Qbank app. Create custom sessions that target your weakest areas and rely on smart tools like Key Info and the Attending Tip to nudge you in the right direction